Saturday, June 25, 2011

Print Copy of Egypt the Uprising

Now, finally, you can order a print copy of Egypt the Uprising

 click here  to get your copy now 

Friday, June 24, 2011

Author Interview: Writing Inspiration and other quirks

Check out my author interview over at Derek's cool blog .

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Read my Author Interview

My first author interview

where I talk about writing, twitter vs, FaceBook, and a few of  my favorite things 

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Tutankhamun's Trumpet

I wrote about it on BlogCritics: Steer Clear of the Trumpet of War  

Read... Comment...Share :) 

Egypt the Uprising A 5-star Read

Today is a major milestone for me, Egypt: The Uprising has received an Amazon review and a 5 STAR rating!

The book has been described as 
A fast-paced read, riddled with adventures and trials and problem-solving.

Reminiscent of "National treasure", this young adult book has a little of everything for reader - sibling rivalry and love, family dynamics, young crushes, loyalty, magic,fabled creatures and beings, strange worlds and journeys. 

National Treasure? Hmmm, funny my husband used the same reference.  I thought it was more along the lines of the Da Vinci Code ;)
What do you think?

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Egypt the Uprising is Available Ladies and Gents

Available for immediate download Click here

And soon on Nook, Apple iBookstore, and Google ereader. 

If you intend to read it on your computer download the pdf file :)

Happy reading! 

Update 02/06/2011: Also on Amazon (this is still the ebook or kindle edition) Click Here